The fall colors of many native woodland plants are beginning to peak and native woodbine and Virginia creeper are no exception. It may be fun to compare their fall color in the photos below to photos taken earlier this season in our 6-27-12 blog article, “What’s that Plant in My Woodland“.
Virginia creeper and woodbine are almost in full fall color in these photos. Virginia creeper and woodbine provide a great native vining ground cover and also climb fences, trees and other nearby structures. Unlike wild grape, these vines are gentle climbers and will rarely choke out shrubs and trees.
Woodbine and Virginia creeper produce native edible berries for our native birds that are a great food alternative to buckthorn berries. Consider doing a frill cut to your larger buckthorn and then encourage these native vines to use the dead buckthorn as a natural trellis. This is a great option to keep your privacy and stop buckthorn berry production.

Copyright 2012 Landscape Restoration, Inc. Woodbine decorating my chicken pen.Copyright 2012 Landscape Restoration, Inc. Allow native vines to use a dead tree as a natural trellis.
If you are feeling a little creative, the vines of the less desirable native river grape plant can be pruned from the woods and wound around your porch railing as a decorative accent or wound into a wreath base to decorate for fall and hang on your front door. Go outside and have fun with the natives!